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Mons. Paolo Rizzi Postulator Causes for beatification and canonization

Rome, June 20, 2017 To the groups of the Divine Will of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

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The Cause is now at a decisive stage along the path. The subsequent steps
will require considerable expenses: the preparation, typesetting, and printing of the
probative dossiers that must be evaluated by theologians and historical experts and the fees
for the latter, including the administrative fees of the Holy See, the various costs for
conducting the Cause that the office of the Postulator must bear, and so forth. In fact,
because of their complexity, the Causes for beatification and canonization require a great
deal of work and involve numerous expenses. We need your help and financial support
to cover the necessary costs for advancing the Cause of Luisa Piccarreta.
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