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III Sunday of Ordinary Time

The Lord made us people of God and Body of Christ

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Dear brothers and sisters, Fiat!

Today's liturgy highlights the profound identity of the Church: we are a people that is gathered by the Word of God and is constituted in unity by the Word of God; We are a people who is saved from the true presence of Christ who (as in every Eucharist) is among us as Messiah and Savior, today.

In the first reading, in the passage of the Old Testament, we see that when the people gathered there were some attitudes, which are proper also of our liturgies: reading the Word, getting up, kneeling, worshiping, listening to those who explain the Word that is read, crying to the Lord our faith (Amen, Amen!).

Also in the gospel it’s the Word of God that calls the community. It is solemnly proclaimed to the assembly which should be attentive to listening. It is explained, interpreted as a message of hope, of joy, of liberation. But only with Jesus it is actualized and fully realized: in Him the Word is fulfilled "today".

Jesus makes His comment which is very brief; but through it, Jesus reveals Himself, introduces Himself, makes Him known openly as the Messiah Savior. People are not ready, they are not attentive to God; in Nazareth the greatest turmoil occurs. "His own did not receive him, they did not open themselves to the faith, they believed He was a madman, They hunted Him as a blasphemer.

But Jesus was clear: " “Today This Scripture Is Fulfilled in Your Hearing”." What’s the Scripture that was read and heard? It is the text of the prophet Isaiah: " The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor ".

The Messiahthe Lord Jesus Christ is the Anointed of the LORD God. (these are the various terms that are used in the Old Testament). Jesus brings the good news of God's infinite love to everyone. The word "poor" means: the poor in spirit, the materially poor, the humble, those who wait and trust in the Providence of the Heavenly Father; but "poor" is every man, because we are not masters of our life, we are weak, fragile, sinful.

Jesus is the gospel, He is the good news, He brings joy and hope for everyone.

Jesus brings true liberation from all bondage, He brings the light of truth and gives meaning to our life and our things ("The Lord gives sight to the blind").

Jesus brings true liberation in the face of all moral and material oppression, in the face of exploitation, injustice and manipulation; facing the oppression of one's limit and one's own sin.

Jesus brings every grace and mercy, every renewal, with the possibility of yh, of renewing all things, of believing, and living the impossible.

Jesus accomplishes this, He fulfills it "today". He also does this for us at all times and, especially, at this moment of the Eucharist. For us who are his people and members of his Body, Jesus does his work as Messiah, as Savior, and enables us to bring this happy news to the world.

In the passage of August 22, 1931, Jesus told Luisa that the acts done in the Divine Will have such virtue and power as to transform themselves into divine messengers, which set out from the earth for the vault of the Heavens. And since these messengers set out from within the Divine Will, but are sent by a creature who operates and lives in It, they bring with themselves free entrance into Our Celestial Fatherland, and bring the happy news that the earth wants the Kingdom of the Divine Will, because a little exiled one lives and operates in It, and does nothing but make use of that same Will that reigns in Heaven in order to ask that It may descend to reign upon earth as It reigns in Heaven.

These messengers of light - how many secrets do they not hide! Already on its own, the light of the Divine Will is the secretary of all things, divine and human, and it knows how to keep the true secret; and while in appearance one sees light, inside this light it hides all secrets and all things – no one can escape it. This light contains the great secret of the whole history of Creation, and it confides its secrets only to one who wants to live in its light. In fact, the light has the virtue of disposing the creature to live and to comprehend its divine secrets, and, if needed, it will dispose her to lay down her life so that it may give life to its intimate secrets and to the purpose of Creation, which was only that the Divine Will would reign on earth as It does in Heaven.

Therefore, if we remain attentive to live always of the Divine Will, It will entrust to us all the secrets of the history of Creation, It will make in our soul the deposit of all Its joys and Its intimate sorrows, and, as to Its own secretary, with Its vibrating light, transforming Itself into brush, It will paint in us the sun, the heavens, the stars, the sea, the beautiful flowerings. In fact, when It speaks, It is not content with only words; to Its inextinguishable love and to Its interminable light words are not enough, but It wants to do deeds; and therefore, with Its creative virtue, while It entrusts Its secrets, It speaks and forms the new creation in the creature. It is not content with telling Its secrets, but It wants to do the works that Its secrets contain. Therefore, in the creature who lives in the Divine Will, new heavens, suns more refulgent than the very Creation, will be seen.

The Divine Will has a yearning, an ardent desire, of wanting to always operate; but It keeps looking for one who wants to listen to It, and who wants to receive Its creative virtue, so as not to expose Its works to uselessness. And in order to be sure, It keeps looking for Its own Will in the soul; and, in finding It, It finds Its works secured by Its same Divine Fiat; therefore It spares Itself in nothing, and there It does the most beautiful works and the greatest prodigies.

don Marco
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