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Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Feeling touched by compassion to rediscover the joy of communion

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Dear brothers and sisters, Fiat!

The words that the Risen Jesus addresses to us during our personal prayer and in the community celebration of His Easter are powerful words that transform and liberate: they have the power to change any situation.

This Sunday's Gospel leads us to imagine the catechumens listening to the same story and learning to discover and taste the gift of God's Word, the Word of the Risen Christ, which generates conversion. It is a conversion that gives a better quality of life than a more problematic past life.

The leper is a clear symbol of isolation, of a broken communion, of a denied relationship. In the book of Leviticus, the Word of God resounds as an inexorable condemnation to isolation, to separation from the community, to radical suffering for the lack of relationships. All this, to safeguard the people from dangerous contagion. To think of the leper in that ancient time was to think of man as condemned to the hell of solitude, separation and isolation. But for us today it is the picture of the suffering of those who live broken relationships, of those who are alone and isolated.

To believe in the transforming Word of the Risen Jesus is to believe in the action of the Holy Spirit.  It is to believe that when you listen to the Word of the Gospel, welcome it, keep it in your heart and mind, in silence and prayer, it acts in you, making you feel that you are never alone, especially in the most difficult moments of your life.

The Holy Spirit is the gift and of the risen Christ. The Spirit is the author and inspirer of the written Word. It is the protagonist of the power of this Word that is kept in our hearts. It makes you understand that, in the risen Christ, you can experience the touch of the divine compassion of God the Father, just as that leper experienced the compassionate touch of Jesus of Nazareth, the Word of God made flesh.

The true miracle is precisely this, "to feel loved forever", by the Father, through the Son, in the Holy Spirit. It is feeling touched by the compassionate, free love of divine tenderness, in the here and now of our existential situation, perhaps crossed by other misfortunes and sufferings comparable to leprosy. It is feeling touched and loved. It is feeling the power of those very few, but incisive words of Jesus: "I am willing!".

In the Risen Christ, the Will of the Heavenly Father is to restore us to communion, first with Him, and then to feel and taste the signs of communion and fraternity that surround us, despite all the fatigue of our living. So let us try to be in communion in the tenderness of divine mercy and in the tenderness of the many gestures of communion that are manifested in our daily lives, signs of the action of the Holy Spirit in the concreteness of our history.

Thus, little by little, even the worst forms of leprosy, which cause our separations, our conflicts, our isolations, will disappear because we believe in Jesus, our Lord.

In the passage of November 26, 1933, Jesus tells Luisa that one who does her own will sets herself apart from everyone and acts on her own; there is no one to help her or to give her the strength, nor anyone to give her the light to be able to make the best out of what she does. So, all leave her at the mercy of herself, isolated, without support and without defense; she can be called the derelict, the lost one in Creation. Just penalty for one who wants to do her own will – to feel all the weight of the loneliness into which she herself has cast herself, and the lack of help from anyone. The sorrow God feels in seeing so many creatures apart even from Him! And Jesus, to let them touch with their own hand what it means to act without the Divine Will, remain as though far away, letting them feel all the weight of the human will, which never gives them rest and becomes their cruelest tyrant.

The complete opposite for one who does the Divine Will. All are with her – Heaven, Saints, Angels – because out of honor and respect for the Divine Volition, all have the duty to help that creature and sustain her in those acts where the Divine Will enters. The Divine Will Itself places her in communication with everyone, and commands everyone to help her, defend her and form for her the cortege of their company.

Grace already smiles at her, the light shines in her soul and administers to her the best, the highest beauty, into her act. Jesus Himself remain committed in one who does the Divine Will, and He makes His acts flow within hers, to have the honor, the love, the glory of His acts in the act of the creature who has operated in the Divine Will. Here is why she feels the connection with all, the strength, the support, the company, the defense of all. So, one who does the Divine Will and lives in It can be called the regained one of Creation, the daughter, the sister, the friend of all.

The Divine Will acts like the sun, which pours light from the height of its sphere and, expanding, encloses everything within its light; it gives itself to all, it denies itself to no one; and like a faithful sister, it embraces with all things and gives its beneficial effect to each created thing as the pledge of its love, constituting itself life of the effects it gives: in some it forms the life of sweetness, in other created things the life of fragrance, in others the life of colors, and so forth. In the same way, the Divine Will, from the height of Its throne, pours down Its light, and where It finds the creature who wants to receive It to let herself be dominated, It surrounds her, It embraces her, It warms her, It molds her, to make her mature and so enclose Its admirable life as if it were life of the creature; and with this life everything and everyone are with her, as everything belongs to the adorable Divine Will.

don Marco
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