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Best wishes Don Sergio!

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The Ordination constitutes man to a supreme height, to a divine character – the repeater of my Life, the administer of the Sacraments, the revealer of my secrets, of my Gospel, of the most sacred science; the peacemaker between Heaven and earth, the bearer of Jesus to souls. (Jesus to Luisa - Volume 18, Nov. 5, 1925)

We want to thank God the Father for the 25th anniversary of priesthood of our dear Fr. Sergio Pellegrini, ecclesiastical assistant of the Luisa Piccarreta Association and vice postulator of the Cause of Beatification of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta. We are close to him with affection and prayer that he may continue to be a Pastor according to the heart of God.

We entrust to Mary, the Mother of Priests, his life and his priesthood: may the sweet presence of Heavenly Mother accompany him always.


Associazione Luisa Piccarreta
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