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The Divine Will is Present Act and Truth

Caresses of Light

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Meditating on Luisa's writings, I dwelt on the passage from July 1, 1907, Vol. 8. In the first part, Luisa was reading about a female saint who would think constantly about her sins, asking God for sorrow and forgiveness. Luisa thought that she must have got things wrong because she did not think of sins in this way. Then she felt Jesus move in her interior. He gently chided Luisa by telling her that the Divine Will does not produce sins and imperfections.

The Divine Will is always holy, and one who lives in It is already sanctified, and enjoys, nourishes herself with, and thinks of all that God’s Will contains. And even though she has committed sins in the past, finding herself in the beauty, in the sanctity, in the immensity of goods that the Divine Will contains, she forgets the ugliness of her past and remembers only the present.

For those who live in the Divine Will, everything is in present act and the soul sees the work of Creation with the eyes of Jesus.  As the poet William Blake wrote  -

                           "To see a World in a grain of Sand

                             And a Heaven in a Wild Flower

                            Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand

                             And Eternity in an hour."

However, if the soul goes out of the Divine Will, then she remembers all the sins and miseries of her own human will. She is unstable in the Divine Will if this happens.

In the second part of the passage, Jesus speaks of Truth; Truth is pursued in these sad times when everything is falsehood and duplicity.

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. (Matt. 7:15)

As much as the Truth is persecuted, one cannot help recognizing it as Truth, and the time comes in which that very persecuted Truth is recognized and loved.

 “There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.” (Luke. 12:1)

The Catechism of the Catholic Church reminds us that “truth or truthfulness is the virtue which consists in showing oneself true in deeds and truthful in words, and guarding against duplicity, dissimulation, and hypocrisy”. (Paragraph 2505)

What is truth? Pope Francis asked at his general audience on Nov. 14, 2018

He said: Truth is fully realized in the very person of Jesus (cf. Jn 14:6), in his way of living and of dying, fruit of his relationship with the Father. This existence as children of God. He, the Risen One, gives it to us too, sending the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of truth, who attests to our heart that God is our Father (cf. Rom 8:16).

In every action, man, people, either affirm or deny this truth. From the little everyday situations to the most binding choices.

Let us ask ourselves: to what truths do our — we Christians’ — deeds, our words, our choices, attest? Everyone can ask themselves: am I a witness of truth, or am I more or less a liar disguised as true? We Christians are not exceptional men and women. However, we are children of the heavenly Father…

Living as children of God means letting shine forth in every deed the supreme truth: that God is Father and that we can trust in him.

 I trust God: this is the great truth!

Frank - Phyllis group- Ireland

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