Also this year, the Luisa Piccarreta Association began its Formation journey with the Eucharistic Celebration on September 14, the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross and for us Little Children of the Divine Will also the anniversary of the Gift of the invisible stigmata by Jesus to the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta.
Don Sergio Pellegrini, the Association's ecclesiastical assistant, said during his homily that with the Solemnity the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross we bring into focus a great mystery of our Faith, Salvation. Jesus has saved us. But how does the Lord save us? - He saves us through the Cross, through His Cross - don Sergio continued. Jesus offered Himself VOLUNTARILY. This adverb "voluntarily" is very important, because it is the will, the decision, that is, to accept the mystery of the Cross that gives the Cross the value of salvation.
If Jesus had carried the Cross because He had to carry it, He would not have saved the world. But the fact that Jesus willed the Cross and that by His Will He joined with the Will of the Father made the Act of Crucifixion salvific and thus Jesus made the Cross, salvation.
Jesus as the Human God, as the Incarnate God accepted the Will of the Father, said yes to it and thus transformed the human act of suffering and dying into a divine Act. Jesus accomplished this transformation of acts with all human acts related to His earthly life. He as man and as God deified them, including the acts of suffering and death.
For all of us, too, the acts of suffering and dying will come. But what can we do to also live these acts in the Divine Will? What does it mean to live in the Divine Will? Don Sergio asked himself
It means invoking the Divine Will in the act we are doing, offering our will voluntarily. So it is not enduring suffering, but making an act of will. It is saying, I welcome in You O Jesus that Act I am experiencing, that suffering. It is not to be happy to suffer, but to unite that voluntary act of suffering with the suffering of Jesus. It is to say again: Jesus like me You have also lived it, as I am living this pain now, You have also lived it.
The Will of Jesus and our will can be united in suffering, and since Jesus transformed human acts into divine ones, He brings the Divine Will into our will. It is to recognize Jesus in the pain we are experiencing and to tell Him that in that pain we are united, just as Luisa said: to be united like two candles coming together.
So it happens that at that moment we also experience what Jesus experienced. We must learn to live all our acts in relationship with Jesus, to recognize Jesus Crucified in the little crosses of our lives. When we do this, Jesus transforms our human act into divine act. Recognizing Jesus' presence in our lives: this means living in the Divine Will. This is what Luisa did; she lived the third mystical marriage, the marriage of the cross, on September 14, 1899. That is, Luisa made a commitment to be permanently united to the Cross of Jesus, to always carry the Cross of Jesus imprinted within her. We too can live this mystical marriage of the Cross when we learn to constantly recognize our suffering in Jesus. So -Don Sergio concluded- let us ask the Lord to learn to live our sufferings in the Divine Will, to recognize His presence in our lives. When we experience suffering in the Divine Will there is a "miracle" that happens: the suffering disappears, but not because we no longer suffer but because the Light is so strong that it covers the suffering itself.
Let us look to the Cross, the Cross leads us to the Resurrection, the Resurrection is Living the Divine Will!