Pentecost is a movable feast day, in the sense that it is linked to the date when Easter falls. It concludes the sacred 50 days that range from the Resurrection to the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles. The Feast of Pentecost we celebrate has its roots in a Jewish celebration, the "Schavuot," by which the Jews remembered the delivery of God's law to His people; Christian Pentecost is the last step in the history of salvation. It brings to completion the great project of God the Father on humanity through the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus said, "Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit (Jn 3:5). Then, to enter the kingdom of God and restore it on earth we must allow ourselves to be invested by the Holy Spirit and accept and understand the truths that God deigned to reveal about His Kingdom to make us His children. We can understand that it’s the time of the Holy Spirit, when He spreads His work of infinite light, of immense love, of "reanimation" of humanity through all the heavenly lessons that our Celestial Mother gave to Luisa Piccarreta in the book "The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will".
In the meditation on the thirtieth day of May, Luisa addressed Mary as Queen of Heaven, Teacher of the Apostles, Central Place of the Nascent Church. She asked for help to Mary so that the Holy Spirit might extend Its seas of light within her soul and the Divine Will could spread Its seas of light in her soul and place the seal of Its Fiat in all her acts.
The Virgin Mary gave her lessons in a sublime way. She described with sweetness the moment when, while she was with the Apostles in the Cenacle, the Holy Spirit promised by her Son descended upon them. She remembered: What a transformation in the Apostles! As they were invested, they acquired new science, invincible strength, ardent love. A new life flowed within them, which rendered them intrepid and courageous, in such a way that they scattered themselves throughout the whole world to make Redemption known and to lay down their lives for their Master. Then Our Celestial Mother said that She still continues Her magisterium in the Church - there is nothing which does not descend from Her. She pours Her own self out for love of her children. Now, during these times, She wants to display a yet more special love by making known how her whole life was formed in the Kingdom of the Divine Will and to make us live in this ever so holy Kingdom. She promises that She will make the Holy Spirit descend into our souls, that It may burn away all that is human, and by Its refreshing breath rule over us and confirm us in the Divine Will.
Luisa's writings are a masterpiece full of the Holy Spirit. They often refer to Its vivifying and transforming action. In a passage of Luisa’s writings Jesus says that He blessed these writings. He blessed each word, the effects and the value they contain and that can only be obtained by the intervention of the Holy Spirit. Then He called the Angels and told them to touch the foreheads of two fathers who would see the writings in order to impress in them the Holy Spirit, so as to infuse in them light to make them comprehend the truths and the good which are in these writings.
In Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit is not represented in a human form, but in the form of a dove, of a bright cloud, of tongues of fire and breath. In the "Veni Creator Spiritus" the Holy Spirit is called "finger of God's hand". Now then, Jesus speaking to Luisa of His writings highlights the fact that His word is ever new, penetrating, full of divine freshness, of admirable sweetness and of surprising truths, such that the human intellect is forced to lower its brow and say: “Here is the finger of God.” Luisa's writings make explicit reference to the Spirit of God by speaking of "breath".
Jesus often spoke to Luisa about the creation of man, the masterpiece of the creative power, in whom, not in sprays, but in waves, in rivers, the Eternal One poured His love, His beauty, His mastery; and taken by excess of love, He placed Himself as the center of man. Thus, He created man in His image and likeness. He drew a breath from the depth of His love and with His omnipotent breath He infused life in him, endowing man with all His qualities, proportioned to a creature.
Therefore, man was formed, had his origin and was born in the Love of his Creator; it was right that he should grow as though kneaded and breathed upon, like a little flame, by the breath of the One who so much loved him.
How many prodigies concurred in creating man! With God’s breath the soul was infused in him in which the paternal goodness infused three suns that were formed by the power of the Father, by the wisdom of the Son, and by the love of the Holy Spirit. These three suns are the three powers: intellect, memory and will. From them, all human acts were to be directed, animated and receive life.
Jesus often returned to the subject of the creation of man and said that the Three Divine Persons in creating man infused the soul in him with their breath, wanting to infuse in him the inmost part of Their interior – the Divine Will, which would also bring him all the particles of Their Divinity which, as a creature, he could contain. But man, ungrateful, wanted to break off from Their Will, and even though he still had his soul, the human will, which took the place of the Divine, obscured him, infected him, and rendered all the divine particles idle to the point of disordering him completely and of maiming him. Since God wants to dispose him again to receive the Divine Will, it is necessary that He returns to breathe on him again, so that His breath may put to flight darkness and infections and render active the particles of Their Divinity which They infused in creating him.
So God's plan for these times is to keep us alive with the power of His Spirit. Jesus stresses this concept and reaffirms that as His breath breathes over us it renews us, and with its vivifying power it destroys in us the infection of the seed of the human volition and vivifies the seed of the Divine Fiat. This breath is the origin of the human life of the creature; but as man withdrew from the Divine Will he lost His breath; and even though life remained in him, he no longer felt the vivifying strength of His breath which, in vivifying him, maintained him beautiful, fresh and in the likeness of his Creator. So, without God’s breath, man remained like that flower which, having no more rain, wind and sun, fades, withers, and lowering its head begins to die. Now, in order to restore the Kingdom of the Divine Will in the midst of creatures, it is necessary that God’s continuous breath return into their midst, which, breathing over them more than wind may let the Sun of the Will enter into them, so that with Its heat It may destroy the bad seed of the human volition and man may return to be beautiful and fresh, as he was created. And the flower, straightening its stem under the rain of God’s grace raises its head again, becomes vivified, acquires color, and tends toward life. Jesus exclaimed: “Oh! if creatures knew the great good I am preparing, the surprises of love, the unheard-of graces!”
The Holy Spirit wants to give Its continuous breath, but in order to receive It the creature must live in the Divine Will, that is why Luisa often prayed Jesus to breathe over her poor soul, to infuse in her the first divine breath of Creation, so that with His regenerative breath she might begin her life again, all in the Fiat, according to the purpose for which God had created her. And Jesus reassured her by saying that it is God’s Will that the creature ascend again into His womb, in the creative arms of the Three Divine Persons, that They may give her again Their continuous breath, and in this breath give her the current that generates all goods, joys and happinesses.
God did not create us once and for all, rather He creates us incessantly with His Spirit. Our life is a return to the sources of eternal Love, and so like Luisa we pray: "Come O Supreme Will to reign upon earth, invest all generations, win and conquer all".