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For centuries Mary has been invoked as the Queen of Heaven; in the fifth glorious mystery of the rosary we contemplate the crowning of Mary, in the Litany of Loreto she is implored as Queen of Angels, of Patriarchs, of Prophets, of Apostles, of Martyrs, of Confessors, of Virgins, of all the Saints and of Families. Three of the Marian antiphons invoke Mary by the title “Queen”: the Salve Regina, the Regina Coeli, and the Ave Maria Coelorum.  Finally in Lumen Gentium Chapter 59 we read as follows: " The Immaculate Virgin was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory and soul into heavenly glory, and exalted by the Lord as Queen of the universe, that she might be the more fully conformed to her Son." Also in Luisa’s Diaries the royalty of Maria is often highlighted, it is described as "the most beautiful work of the Holy Trinity".

While we are still " pilgrim souls " we can only imagine the beauty of this Celestial Creature, because the enchantment of the Sky, of the Sun and of all the Creation, they can’t compare, they remain behind before the Sovereign Queen, because she was created by God with highest Wisdom, with unreachable power, with inexhaustible love, but someday we will see her as she really is, we will know our true genealogy, we will realize that we belong to a "royal" family, we have a Father, the King of the universe, along with a Mother, the Queen of Heaven and Earth, the Queen of the universe,  the Queen of a kingdom that "ab origine" belonged to us, but then we lost it and Mary wants to give it again to us.

The Virgin Mary herself tells Luisa that God has placed the scepter of command into her hands, that her may dominate and rule over everything, and her dominion may conquer God and men, bringing them to Gods as His children, generated anew in her  maternal Heart.

The Divine Fiat  made her take possession of all of the divine properties, as much as it is possible and imaginable for the creature. Everything was hers – Heaven, earth, and even God Himself, whose very Will she possessed. The Most High God put in her hands the destiny of mankind, He gave to her the mandate and made her peacemaker between Heaven and earth."


Even Jesus, the Supreme Good, speaks to Luisa  about the queenship of Mary and stated that Her Majesty is enchanting, before her Sanctity the Heavens abased themselves, her riches are interminable and incalculable, no one can say themselves to be similar to Her, therefore She is Lady, Mother and Queen; Her riches are Souls. Every soul is worth more than an entire world, no one enters in Heaven if not through her means and in virtue of her Maternity and of her sorrows, so that every soul is a property of hers, therefore one can give Her with fact the name of true Lady. Her riches are special, they are full of speaking lives. As Mother she holds her innumerable children, as Queen she will hold her people of the Kingdom of the Divine Will. These children and this people will form her most radiant crown, some as sun and some as stars they will crown her august Head with such beauty as to enrapture all Heaven.  So that the children of the Kingdom of the Divine Will will be those that will render Her the honors of Queen and transforming themselves into suns they will form for Her the most beautiful crown. Therefore  we should yearn so much that this Kingdom comes, because to her radiant crown with which the Most Holy Trinity crowned Her, she awaits the crown of her people, that extolling her as Queen, they offer Her their lives transformed  into Suns as testament of love and of glory.

In the liturgical calendar of the Church we commemorate the Blessed Virgin Mary, invoked by the title "Queen" and this is a feast that was established in 1954, at the end of the Marian Year, by Pope Pius XII who fixed the date as 31 May (cf. Encyclical Letter Ad Caeli Reginam, 11 October 1954). On that occasion the Pope said that “Mary was Queen more than any other creature because of the sublime dignity of her soul and the excellence of the gifts she received. She never ceases to bestow upon humanity all the treasures of her love and tender care.”

When we talk about Kings and Queens we think about people with power and material wealth, but this is not the kind of royalty of Jesus and Mary. The royalty of Christ is interwoven with humility, service and love, the same is true of Mary. She is Queen in her service to God for humanity, she is a Queen of love who lives the gift of herself to God so as to enter into the plan of man’s salvation. Talking to Luisa Jesus Himself called Her “Queen of love”,  “Victor of love, that she loved so much that by way of love she conquered her God.”.

Mary said: “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord” (cf. Lk 1:38) and in the Magnificat she sings: God has regarded the low estate of his handmaiden (cf. Lk 1:48). She is Queen precisely by loving us, by helping us in our every need;  Therefore, Mary exercises this queenship of service and love by watching over us, her children

Jesus call her the busybody Queen that doesn’t know how to remain in idleness upon her throne of glory, but descends, races as Mother in the acts, in the needs of her children.

Because she as Queen holds the mandate and the right to make the retreat of all the acts of them in her acts. So much is her love as Queen and Mother, that as the creature disposes herself to form her act of love, thus from the heights of her throne, she makes a ray of her love descend, invests and surrounds the act of love of them in order to put there hers as first love, and as it is formed, thus it re-arises in her same ray of love, in the source of her love, and she says to her Creator: “Adorable majesty, in my love that always rises for you, there is the love of my children fused in mine, that I with right of Queen have withdrawn in my sea of love”. So, from the height of her throne, then the ray of her acts invests the rays of her children and then the same ray of light goes back even to her throne.

As she was the true and celestial Prisoner of the Divine Will, she knows all the secrets, the ways, she possesses the keys of the kingdom. Indeed she remains in expectation and at attention in order to see if the creature works in the Divine Fiat, in order to take with her maternal hands these act and enclose in them her acts as pledges, as antidotes that she wants the Kingdom of the Divine Will upon the earth. And since she is the holiest creature, the greatest and doesn’t know other kingdom than the Kingdom of the Divine Will alone, she occupies the first post in Him. By right the Celestial Queen will be the Announcer, the Messenger, the Conductor of a kingdom so holy.  Hence She who holds more ascendancy, more power, more empire over the Divine Heart is the Sovereign Lady of Heaven.

The Celestial heiress wants to make known the inheritance that she wants to give to her children.  Her sighs are ardent, her prayers incessant, She doesn’t do other than assault the Most Holy Trinity with her love, with the rights of Queen and of Mother,  so that the kingdom triumphs upon the face of the earth only then her glory and her feast will be complete, she will give surprising graces, and put all in feast Heaven and Earth, she will be the Queen who gives freely extraordinary graces.

So let’s enter the Divine Will and together with our Heavenly Mother  let’s pray and  beseech that the Divine Will be known and reign in all creatures. It was the Divine Will alone that made Mary ascend so high. When the Celestial Queen was assumed into Heaven, all Heaven magnified, blessed, praised the Eternal Will. The very Angels recognized the Will of their Creator as Life operating in Her and, trembling, they said: ‘Holy, Holy, Holy - honor and glory to the Will of Our Sovereign Lord. And glory, and trice Holy - She who let this Supreme Will operate.’ And again they said: Ascend, ascend higher. It is right that She who so much honored the Supreme Fiat,  have the highest throne and be our Queen.’

Now, the feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary invoked by the title "Queen" is set eight days after the Solemnity of the Assumption to emphasize the close link between Mary’s royal nature and her glorification in body and soul beside her Son.

Tonia Abbattista
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