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Love, love, I will repeat!

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In every moment, in every hour,

I want to love You with all my heart.

In every breath of my life,

while breathing, I will love You.

In every beat of my heart,

Love, love, I will repeat.

In every drop of my blood,

Love, love, I will cry out.

In every movement of my body,

Love alone I will embrace.

Of love alone I want to speak,

at love alone I want to look,

to love alone I want to listen,

always of love I want to think.

With love alone I want to burn,

with love alone I want to be consumed,

only love I want to enjoy,

only love I want to content.

From love alone I want to live,

And within love I want to die.

In every instant, in every hour,

I want to call everyone to love.

Only and always together with Jesus

and in Jesus I shall live,

into His Heart I will plunge myself,

and together with Jesus, and with His Heart,

Love, Love, I will love You.

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